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Certificate III in carpentry

The Certificate III in Carpentry provides the skills and knowledge to work as a carpenter within residential and commercial construction workplaces and includes setting out, manufacturing, constructing, assembling, installing and repairing products made using timber and non-timber materials.

Woman learning carpentry

The Certificate III in Carpentry is a qualification completed through an apprenticeship covering the setting out, construction and installation of carpentry components and materials. Follow work health and safety requirements, identify hazards and work effectively in the construction industry. Select, use, handle and maintain carpentry hand and power tools, equipment and materials. Construct wall and ceiling frames, pitched roofs, eaves and timber external stairs. Plan, prepare and install flooring systems, windows and doors, exterior cladding and lining and panelling. Measure, construct and check formwork for on ground slabs and footings and safely assess, prepare for and demolish minor building structures. Possible Employment Pathways:
  • Carpenter
Nationally Recognised Training Logo

Eligible apprentices and trainees that meet the Queensland state funding requirements will be charged a set fee per nominal hour. These fees are calculated at a regulated rate of $1.60 per nominal hour. Concession rates may apply for students under 25 or who hold a current Health Care Card or who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Non-funded training will be charged a fee for service cost. These costs will be confirmed prior to the commencement of training. Please enquire for further information regarding FFS or RPL costs.

Fee For Service (FFS) 

$Price On Enquiry

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

$Price On Application

Enquire Now

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User Choice

Blended – Online theory (self-paced) via Learning Management System and practical training and assessment predominantly onsite at your workplace or at our campus.

Delivery Location

During the entire program you will have access to your trainer via phone or email during normal business hours, should you have any questions throughout completing the course.


48 months full-time 

Requirements for completion of this qualification

Units of Competency

To be awarded this qualification, competency must be achieved in 34 units of competency:

  • Twenty-seven (27) core units of competency
  • Seven (7) elective units


White Card

To work on construction sites, the following Unit is a pre-requisite for the qualification:

  • CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


Access to a computer/laptop and internet, a video and audio recording device (e.g. smart phone or web cam) and current email address.

Eligible apprentices and trainees that meet the Queensland state funding requirements will be charged a set fee per nominal hour. These fees are calculated at a regulated rate of $1.60 per nominal hour. Concession rates may apply for students under 25 or who hold a current Health Care Card or who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Non-funded training will be charged a fee for service cost. These costs will be confirmed prior to the commencement of training. Please enquire for further information regarding FFS or RPL costs.

Fee For Service (FFS) 

$Price On Enquiry

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

$Price On Application

Eligible apprentices and trainees that meet the Queensland state funding requirements will be charged a set fee per nominal hour. These fees are calculated at a regulated rate of $1.60 per nominal hour. Concession rates may apply for students under 25 or who hold a current Health Care Card or who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Non-funded training will be charged a fee for service cost. These costs will be confirmed prior to the commencement of training. Please enquire for further information regarding FFS or RPL costs.

Fee For Service (FFS) 

$Price On Enquiry

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

$Price On Application

Get more information about this course

User Choice

Blended – Online theory (self-paced) via Learning Management System and practical training and assessment predominantly onsite at your workplace or at our campus.

Delivery Location

During the entire program you will have access to your trainer via phone or email during normal business hours, should you have any questions throughout completing the course.


48 months full-time 

Requirements for completion of this qualification

Units of Competency

To be awarded this qualification, competency must be achieved in 34 units of competency:

  • Twenty-seven (27) core units of competency
  • Seven (7) elective units


White Card

To work on construction sites, the following Unit is a pre-requisite for the qualification:

  • CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


Access to a computer/laptop and internet, a video and audio recording device (e.g. smart phone or web cam) and current email address.

Eligible apprentices and trainees that meet the Queensland state funding requirements will be charged a set fee per nominal hour. These fees are calculated at a regulated rate of $1.60 per nominal hour. Concession rates may apply for students under 25 or who hold a current Health Care Card or who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Non-funded training will be charged a fee for service cost. These costs will be confirmed prior to the commencement of training. Please enquire for further information regarding FFS or RPL costs.

Fee For Service (FFS) 

$Price On Enquiry

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

$Price On Application

48 months full-time

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Engineering Trainer watching over Trainee

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Person making cabinetry

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What is a Card Verification Number (CVN)?

This is a 3 or 4 digit code that provides extra security for online payments. For Visa, Mastercard and Diners, this is a 3 digit number usually printed on the back of the signature panel. For Amex, this is the 4 digit number on the front of the card above the embossed card number.