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Skills Assessment

What is a Skills Assessment?

A Skills Assessment is a crucial step in determining the recognition of your overseas skills and trade qualifications in Australia, ensuring that you possess the necessary skills and experience to work at the trade level in your occupation within the country.

To find out more contact either our Australian team on 1300 017199 from 8am – 4pm), Monday to Friday.

or if you are in the UK or Europe please contact our UK office:+44 (0)20 3376 1555 from 9am – 5pm), Monday to Friday.

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Why choose us?

Our college has been approved by Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) to deliver this service to you.

TRA is an authority which assesses and recognises trade skills gained overseas or in Australia, for the purpose of migration.

Having your skills assessed not only means you can apply your skills and knowledge to Australian workplaces, but you’ll be more desirable for employers looking for skilled workers.

Skilled migrants are an important source of talent across a variety of industries in Australia.

Following Trades Recognition Australia’s (TRA) recent announcement, as of 1st October 2022, OSAP / TSS Skills Assessment applicants will need to personally attend their Technical Assessments (Technical Interviews) at an approved Australian Trade Training College venue.

Am I eligible?

A Skills Assessment determines if you have the skills and experience required to work in Australia at the trade level for your occupation. The requirement for a TRA Skills Assessment is determined by the applicant’s passport country, occupation and visa type.

Potential applicants should check with the Department of Home Affairs before submitting their application to ensure that a Skills Assessment is required for their visa application and that TRA is the correct assessing authority for their nominated occupation.

We’re approved by TRA to deliver Temporary Skills Shortage Program (TSS) and Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP) programs.

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Trades Recognition Programs

TSS (Temporary Skills Shortage Program)

For people who are required by the Department of Home Affairs to have a skills assessment for temporary migration.

OSAP (Offshore Skills Assessment Program)

For people who are applying for a skilled migration visa to Australia (excluding 485 or TSS visas), and can travel to Australia or a nominated country for a skills assessment.

To be able to apply for a free assessment you must:

Complete the SAOM Incentive application form

You will need your:

  • passport details, personal details, occupation, visa type
  • agent/representative details (if applicable)
  • qualification details or apprenticeship
  • employment details for each employment period you are claiming
  • Submit the application
    • To submit your application, you need to:

It should take about 15 business days to complete your assessment once we have received all the information requested from you.

There is a priority list of other occupations that skilled migrants can access free assessments. More information is available on the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations web page.

Want to know more?

If you’d like more information about any of the courses at Australian Trade Training College,
please complete the form below and a team member will be in contact

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What is a Card Verification Number (CVN)?

This is a 3 or 4 digit code that provides extra security for online payments. For Visa, Mastercard and Diners, this is a 3 digit number usually printed on the back of the signature panel. For Amex, this is the 4 digit number on the front of the card above the embossed card number.