Begin your trade, your way with us today.

Business & WHS

Business and Work Health and Safety qualifications set you up to manage and perform business procedures across a variety of industries.

Our business qualifications enable you to take on higher responsibilities such as leadership, managerial and entrepreneurship roles.

While our WHS qualifications give you the ability to administer a range of work health and safety functions.

These qualifications allow you to work in areas such as corporate, government, small business, mining administration and more. Learn how to tackle day-to-day tasks and perform vital safety procedures with hands-on learning from our expert trainers, today.

Short Course
RIIRIS301EApply risk management processes
Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed.

Learn real world skills across risk management processes for various industries.

This course teaches you to:

Plan and prepare for risk management
Assess and identify unacceptable risk
Review risk management documentation
Identify and recommend controls
Contribute to the implementation of controls

Short Course
BSBWHS417Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work
Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed.

Establish the essential skills required to build and contribute to a valuable business environment.

This unit provides education around the performance, skills and knowledge required to assist with the management of workers’ compensation claims, rehabilitation and return-to-work programs.

Short Course
Civil construction – Trade Ready Program
The Trade Ready program is scheduled for 6 weeks, however, this may be adjusted due to individual circumstances.

Course Description

ATTC  is offering the opportunity to take the first step in your Civil Construction career by completing this Trade Ready Program in Townsville.

Short Course
RIIWHS202EEnter and work in confined spaces
One day of classroom and practical training.

This course prepares you for working in a confined space across a variety of industries including construction, resources, farming, trades and more.

This course teaches:

Identifying confined spaces
Practical entry and exit into and from a confined space
Identifying and assessing hazards and risks when working in a confined space
To plan and prepare for entering and working in confined spaces
To complete a record and/or report of work completed whilst in a confined space
To interpret Australian Standards and relevant legislation
To write work plans and risk assessments
To work to a confined space permit
To work according to site policy and procedures
Lockout and tag out methods of isolation
Safety and emergency procedures

Short Course
BSBESB402Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures
Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed

Acquire the essential skills and knowledge required to work in a business environment.

This course will teach you to:

Identify and implement business legal requirements
Negotiate and arrange contracts
Comply with legislation, codes and regulatory requirements
Identify and treat business risks

Short Course
WHSQHSRNCB01Health and safety representative
Initial five day course and a one-day refresher course every three years.

This non-accredited training is approved by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland for delivery by ATTC for WHS Representatives through the 5 day training program.

This course will teach you:

Issue provisional improvement notices (PIN)

Consultation with all stakeholders in the workplace

Assist with management of hazards and risks in the workplace

On successful completion of the course participants will receive a Statement of Attendance.

Short Course
BMEXCELIntroduction to excel: basic
This course takes three hours to complete.

This is a non-accredited introductory Microsoft Excel course.

This course will teach you the essential skills required to:

Getting to know Excel
Creating a new workbook
Working with an existing workbook
Basic calculations

Short Course
BMWORDIntroduction to word: basic
This course takes three hours to complete.

This is a non-accredited introductory Microsoft Word course.

This course will teach you the essential skills required to:

Create documents
Proofread documents
Format pages

Short Course
HLTAID009Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Self-paced online pre-course reading and theory assessment, plus four hours of face to face classroom practical training and assessment.

Learn skills to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during emergency situations in the community and at a workplace through ACCT’s First Aid course.

You will learn techniques to manage the airway for:

Unconscious breathing and non-breathing adults
Unconscious non-breathing infants

and how to:

Use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and
Provide an accurate report of first aid incidents.

The course is a blended delivery of online and face to face learning and assessment activities.

A CPR certificate will be valid in the workplace for 12 months.

Short Course
HLTAID011Provide first aid
Self-paced online pre-course reading and theory assessment, plus one day of face to face classroom practical training and assessment.

Learn first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills to prepare you for emergency situations in the community and at a workplace through ATTS’s First Aid course.

You will learn how to:

Manage unconscious breathing and non-breathing adults
Manage unconscious non-breathing infants
Recognize the signs and symptoms of common injuries and illness and provide appropriate first aid treatment, and
Provide an accurate report of first aid incidents.

The course is a blended delivery of online and face to face learning and assessment activities.

A First Aid certificate will be valid in the workplace for three years. The CPR component is valid for 12 months.

Short Course
QBPQualified business person (QBP)
Up to 12 months | Fee For Service

The Qualified Business Person (QBP) short course covers the knowledge and skills to follow and comply with work health and safety regulations and codes of practices, legal requirements and industry standards within the Electrotechnology industry.

Short Course
Qualified technical person (QTP)
Up to 12 months | Fee For Service

The Qualified Technical Person (QTP) short course covers the knowledge and skills to follow work health and safety requirements when preparing for, conducting and reporting findings of a compliance inspection.

Short Course
TLID1001Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
Half day course.

Learn the relevant skills that are applicable to manual handling and safe load handling in line with work and occupational health and safety regulations.

You will learn how to:

Assess relevant risks associated with relocating loads
Plan load relocations
Relocating loads.

Certificate III
BSB30120Certificate III in business
12 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Certificate III in Business is an ideal foundation qualification for students looking to gain a wide variety of administration and customer service skills required in the Business sector.

Certificate IV
BSB40120Certificate IV in business
24 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Certificate IV in Business is a qualification for those wanting to develop a higher skill and knowledge level to gain a pathway into Business Management.

Certificate IV
BSB40320Certificate IV in entrepreneurship and new business
12 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business is an ideal qualification designed for students looking at establishing or operating a business providing self-employment.

Certificate IV
BSB40920Certificate IV in project management practice
12 Months Full Time | User Choice

The Certificate IV in Project Management Practice is a qualification aimed to provide the training and skills required for participants who are in an administration business role and are looking at upskilling their skills and knowledge in the project management field.

Certificate IV
BSB41419Certificate IV in work health and safety
12 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is a qualification designed for students looking to gain the knowledge and skills required for a work health and safety role.

BSB50120Diploma of business
24 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Diploma of Business assists students in upskilling and further developing their knowledge as a pathway into a variety of Business leadership and frontline management roles.

BSB50420Diploma of leadership and management
24 months full-time | Fee For Service (FFS)

The Diploma of Leadership and Management assists in providing students with higher level skills and knowledge required in leadership and management roles across all Industries.

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