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Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies

All electrical equipment is required to be tested and tagged, with testing intervals varying across industries. As an example, if you work in the Construction, Mining or Demolition industries, test and tag needs to be completed every three months. Take the hassle out of outsourcing and stay compliant by taking this course and doing it yourself!

This course will teach you:

To identify visual faults
Personal safety
Basic electrical testing concepts
Electrical equipment and cord assemblies testing
Testing and tagging documentation requirements

This course is suitable for anyone who requires testing electrical equipment or is looking to work as an appliance tester.

Total Cost – $400

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

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Delivery Location

  • Delivered at Delivered at ATTC Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.


  • One day of classroom and practical training from 8.30am – 2pm.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

To be awarded this qualification, participants must:

  • Complete the pre-requisite theory and assessment prior to attending the face to face workshop.
  • There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program; however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.
  • UEERL0003
    Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies
  • UEECD0007
    Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

Total Cost – $400

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Total Cost – $400

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Enquire Now

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Delivery Location

  • Delivered at Delivered at ATTC Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.


  • One day of classroom and practical training from 8.30am – 2pm.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

To be awarded this qualification, participants must:

  • Complete the pre-requisite theory and assessment prior to attending the face to face workshop.
  • There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program; however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.
  • UEERL0003
    Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies
  • UEECD0007
    Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

Total Cost – $400

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

  • One day of classroom and practical training from 8.30am – 2pm.

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