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Gas test atmospheres

This Gas Test Atmospheres training course is for individuals who may be required to carry out gas testing of an atmosphere prior to entering a specific area or workspace. This can include work environments that are hazardous, unpredictable, subject to time pressure, chaotic and expose responders to risk, on land or water, or workplace atmospheres which may include visible and invisible hazards and hazardous surfaces.

The course covers the skills and knowledge required to test the working atmosphere using electronic test apparatus to find out if it is safe for the proposed work, interpret readings and take actions based on the interpretation.

Areas that may need to be atmospherically tested can include:

Confined Spaces
Enclosed and partially enclosed spaces
Hot works
Storage tanks, silos, pits, pipes, shafts and ducts
Testing as part of issuing a work permit
Monitoring as part of working under a permit
Open areas

Students will learn:

Legislative framework for gas detection
Determining when is gas testing required
Gas testing permits to work and hot work requirements
Supervisor responsibilities
Risk assessments and the need to consider atmospheric monitoring requirements during the risk assessment
Confined space permit overview
Air densities of common gases
Oxygen deficiency, oxygen enrichment, lower explosive levels, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, methane and other gases
Exposure limits: TWAs, STELs, IDLHs etc
Gas testing log sheets
Gas detector maintenance
Gas detector bump testing and calibration requirements
Gas detector records

This course is recommended for people working in, or who will be working in operational roles that may need to undertake testing and monitoring of potentially hazardous atmospheres in the workplace.

Total Cost – $202

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

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Course Delivery

  • Delivered at ATTC  Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.

Course Duration

  • This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete

Requirements for completion of this qualification

  • Course Requirements

    ATTC will supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training. Students must provide:

    • Appropriate clothing and closed-in footwear

    There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program, however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.

    • MSMWHS217
      Gas Test Atmospheres

Total Cost – $202

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Total Cost – $202

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Enquire Now

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Course Delivery

  • Delivered at ATTC  Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.

Course Duration

  • This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete

Requirements for completion of this qualification

  • Course Requirements

    ATTC will supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training. Students must provide:

    • Appropriate clothing and closed-in footwear

    There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program, however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.

    • MSMWHS217
      Gas Test Atmospheres

Total Cost – $202

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Program Length

  • This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete

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