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Enter and work in confined spaces

This course prepares you for working in a confined space across a variety of industries including construction, resources, farming, trades and more.

This course teaches:

Identifying confined spaces
Practical entry and exit into and from a confined space
Identifying and assessing hazards and risks when working in a confined space
To plan and prepare for entering and working in confined spaces
To complete a record and/or report of work completed whilst in a confined space
To interpret Australian Standards and relevant legislation
To write work plans and risk assessments
To work to a confined space permit
To work according to site policy and procedures
Lockout and tag out methods of isolation
Safety and emergency procedures

This course is suited to anyone in the electrical, safety, maintenance, emergency, risk, mining, telecommunications, operations, transport or construction industries.

Total Cost – $300

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

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Delivery Location

  • Delivered at ATTC Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.


  • One day of classroom and practical training.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

ATTC will supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training. Trainees must provide:

• Appropriate clothing and closed-in footwear

There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program, however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.

Training Course Refresher


Confined space refresher training is recommended every 12—24 months under Australian Standard AS2865-2009.

  • RIIWHS202E
    Enter and work in confined spaces

Total Cost – $300

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Total Cost – $300

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Enquire Now

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Delivery Location

  • Delivered at ATTC Training Centres in Toowoomba and Brisbane (Meadowbrook). Ask us about on-site bookings for large groups.


  • One day of classroom and practical training.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

ATTC will supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training. Trainees must provide:

• Appropriate clothing and closed-in footwear

There are no formal entry requirements stipulated for this training program, however participants are required to possess basic language, literacy and numeracy skills.

Training Course Refresher


Confined space refresher training is recommended every 12—24 months under Australian Standard AS2865-2009.

  • RIIWHS202E
    Enter and work in confined spaces

Total Cost – $300

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

  • One day of classroom and practical training.

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What is a Card Verification Number (CVN)?

This is a 3 or 4 digit code that provides extra security for online payments. For Visa, Mastercard and Diners, this is a 3 digit number usually printed on the back of the signature panel. For Amex, this is the 4 digit number on the front of the card above the embossed card number.