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Conduct telescopic materials handler operations

This course is aimed at providing the necessary skills and knowledge to operate a telescopic materials handler (telehandler) safely and efficiently. The course is a mixture of in class theory, practical demonstration and assessment covering all aspect of operation including legislation; hazards and risk control; planning; pre-use inspections; load charts; load characteristics; attachments; safe operation; transport; reporting procedures; shut down and post operation checks.

This course is suited to those interested in civil construction, extractive, earthmoving, transport and logistics and similar industries

Total Cost – $540

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

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Delivery Location

  • This course is delivered in a classroom environment as well as significant practical elements outside of the classroom.


  • The mode of delivery for this course is one day face to face.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

On completion of the course, participants will have gained the following skills and knowledge in:

Plan Operations: Hazard management and consultation
Pre-operational Inspections: on the telehandler and each type of attachment being conducted
Operate: Attach, secure, lift, carry and place materials
Operate: Select, remove and fit attachments
Conclude Operations: Parking, securing the equipment and following site specific procedures


Conduct telescopic materials handler operations

Total Cost – $540

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Total Cost – $540

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Enquire Now

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Delivery Location

  • This course is delivered in a classroom environment as well as significant practical elements outside of the classroom.


  • The mode of delivery for this course is one day face to face.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

On completion of the course, participants will have gained the following skills and knowledge in:

Plan Operations: Hazard management and consultation
Pre-operational Inspections: on the telehandler and each type of attachment being conducted
Operate: Attach, secure, lift, carry and place materials
Operate: Select, remove and fit attachments
Conclude Operations: Parking, securing the equipment and following site specific procedures


Conduct telescopic materials handler operations

Total Cost – $540

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

  • The mode of delivery for this course is one day face to face.

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