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Conduct backhoe / loader operations

Learn practical and theoretical skills behind backhoe and loader operations.

This course will teach you:

Plan and prepare for backhoe/loader operations
Operate backhoe/loader in line with established requirements
Load, carry and place materials to complete work activity
Select, remove and fit attachments for a backhoe/loader
Relocate the backhoe/loader
Conduct housekeeping duties

This course is suited to those employed in operations, civil construction, agriculture, milling, horticulture, land management and similar industries.

Total Cost – $700

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

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Delivery Location

  • On-site & and face-to-face, with practical and theoretical delivery components.


  • Two days theory and practical training plus logbook hours.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

  • Equipment as required for course continuance, including a backhoe/loader
  • Suitable venue as per criteria is required
  • RIIMPO319E
    Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations

Total Cost – $700

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Total Cost – $700

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

Enquire Now

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Delivery Location

  • On-site & and face-to-face, with practical and theoretical delivery components.


  • Two days theory and practical training plus logbook hours.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

  • Equipment as required for course continuance, including a backhoe/loader
  • Suitable venue as per criteria is required
  • RIIMPO319E
    Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations

Total Cost – $700

This course is eligible for CSQ funding, visit the following page for more information and to contact one of our facilities – CSQ Funded Training.

  • Two days theory and practical training plus logbook hours.

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What is a Card Verification Number (CVN)?

This is a 3 or 4 digit code that provides extra security for online payments. For Visa, Mastercard and Diners, this is a 3 digit number usually printed on the back of the signature panel. For Amex, this is the 4 digit number on the front of the card above the embossed card number.