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Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work

Establish the essential skills required to build and contribute to a valuable business environment.

This unit provides education around the performance, skills and knowledge required to assist with the management of workers’ compensation claims, rehabilitation and return-to-work programs.

This course is suited to administration, injury claims management, HR, safety, management, and return to work consultants.

Contact our facility to discuss what fee options are available to you.

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Course Delivery

  • Online and classroom options available.


Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

This course is mandatory for those intending to assist in the management of workers’ compensation claims, rehabilitation and return-to-worker programs.

  • BSBWHS417 Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work

Contact our facility to discuss what fee options are available to you.

Contact our facility to discuss what fee options are available to you.

Enquire Now

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Course Delivery

  • Online and classroom options available.


Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed.

Requirements for completion of this qualification

This course is mandatory for those intending to assist in the management of workers’ compensation claims, rehabilitation and return-to-worker programs.

  • BSBWHS417 Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work

Contact our facility to discuss what fee options are available to you.

Online: 3 months to complete. Self-paced through our online learning portal. Classroom: 1 month to complete. Includes a 1-day workshop with project work to be completed.

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What is a Card Verification Number (CVN)?

This is a 3 or 4 digit code that provides extra security for online payments. For Visa, Mastercard and Diners, this is a 3 digit number usually printed on the back of the signature panel. For Amex, this is the 4 digit number on the front of the card above the embossed card number.